Thought you all might be interested as to how Ageze & Tesfa are doing...let's see...They are both speaking very good, I mean crazy good!! I can't believe how quickly they have learned this!! We still hear a few amharic words, here & there...which I love, but it has definitely become less, especially with Tesfa. One of the most commonly used words that we still hear in amharic is..."shinty" which means potty, or pee..They are both really starting to grasp that we don't always speak in 3rd person...Tesfa just came up to me & said..."Pleasie helpie me!!" See, it's coming!! Almost every word we hear ends in an -ie!! I am so impressed at how well they are doing...I never imagined that after being home for only 3 1/2 months, that we would be telling of so much progress...I mean, I knew they were smart & all, I just didn't expect their english to be going so well!! Can you tell I'm a proud momma!! They both sleep through the night, and about 6:30 in the a.m. we usually hear their little feet, walking to the bathroom..once finished, they walk back to their room and close the more sleep, just a bit of chattering till 7:00!! Ageze loves taking showers in the a.m..that boy loves water!!! Tesfa, well, he's not as keen on the idea..but once Ageze is in..Tesfa jumps on in!! What are their fave foods, you ask??? Well, yesterday..Ageze said pasta!! Tesfa..he's up for anything!! The one thing they haven't been nuts about is ice must be too cold!!! They would much rather have food at room temp..or as Ageze says.."little coldie"...They both love playing with cars, dolls, coloring, watching cartoons, going to storytime at the library & anything else that involves momma watching them, or playing alongside!! It seems crazy that a year ago we weren't even on the waitlist yet...and here we are now, a family of 6!!! (soon to be 8, according to Kate!!) Yes, she's hoping & praying to even things out a bit!!
xo kristen...
Putting together the perfect Dianabol Cycle
3 years ago
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