Thursday, December 2, 2010

Makush & a must-have!!

          While in Addis Ababa, we went to a restaurant/art gallery.....Makush( it's on Bole Rd.) We had a fantastic walk into a very nice building, go upstairs and you find this art gallery, which is Italian restaurant with an art gallery!! We would highly recommend spending one of your evenings there...we had pizza & pasta...delish!! It overlooks the busy Bole fun to watch all the busy-ness...which is exactly why we chose the above's Busy!!! There are truly cars, people, buildings everywhere!!! This painting totally takes me back to this beautiful place that I long for. So, if you're wondering how to get a canvas painting back...well, they take it off the frame, roll it up and put it into a cardboard roll...we just carried it on the plane, and once home we took it to a Art Framing Gallery and had it stretched over a new frame!! WE are so glad we bought something that was not breakable...would highly recommend packing your breakable stuff very good...most of our stuff broke on the flight home:( So, consider filling your carry-on full of your souvenirs!!
    And, you see that above CD...we ordered it directly from We all love listening to has English speaking songs & a few Ugandan songs(i think??)...would be a great Christmas idea for your children!!!                                         xo kristen

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