Friday, January 21, 2011

Ageze's friday a.m. thoughts!!

This morning while eating breakfast, Ageze starting visiting about Ethiopia...I could listen to him for hours..his words can sometimes be devastating as he explains the day he went to "New Ethiopia"(thats what he calls the orphanage)...and let me tell you, he knows details...and it's heart breaking. Other times it's music to my ears...this morning he shared with me the day he went to the Dr. in Ethiopia...I'm thinking it must have been the final TB test before coming to the U.S.....and he had this process so clearly go get your final blood work and soon your family comes!! He said..."Momma, Ageze & Tesfa go to Dr. in Ethiopia, get shot in our arm, and Ageze say..It's my turn Now!!" "Momma, Papa come get me & Tesfa, Momma look beautiful, Momma have beautiful eyes!" And then of course Tesfa chimed in.."Tesfa miss Himbasha!!" Ha!! I thought Ageze's comment was so sweet...he could see the joy and love in my eyes that July day!! Oh, and I finally get my husband back tonight!! He has been in NYC for the last 3 wks for work, so we have missed him like crazy!! We made a countdown chain, of course...and the kids were so thrilled to have pulled off the last one before school this am!!  Hope your weekend is fantastic!!    xo kristen

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