Wednesday, February 8, 2012

packing.planning & puppy praise.

It's February 8th....that means in just 28 days we will be meeting our girl!!! Yes, the countdown has begun!!! I got my suitcase out today...aaaahhh...feels so surreal!!! In between packing a few things here & there, I'm also starting to think about different things to take for her.. to leave with her while she's waiting. When we were waiting for the boys...we sent over a laminated poster with pic's of them & us...a bracelet for each of them with their names & a shirt we had made:) This time, although I'd like to do something similar...I've also thought about taking a cute pillowcase with our picture on it! If any of you families have any other fun, creative ideas that your kids seemed to really like...feel free to pass them my way!!

I'm sure you are all wondering about what I meant by puppy praise...well, a few weeks ago my parents got a new miniature schnauzer....after a week & a half...they decided that with almost 10 grandkids...that they would prefer spending their time on them:) so, that meant that this new little puppy needed a new home...and, if you know Kate at know exactly what her little heart was feeling & thinking. So, we are on week 2 with a new, is he cute...but alot of work. Anyhow, Kate had taken "Griz" out in the backyard to go potty, while I was inside looking out the back window...(you see, she & Griz are inseparable!!) She was following him around making sure he was doing his duties...and I noticed he had gone potty, so i knocked on the glass & said to Kate.."Kate, praise him!! clap your hands!! praise him Kate:)" Well, she took that very serious. She folded her hands & started bowing down to Griz, smiling at him, clapping & continued to bow down, with her hands folded ever so nicely!!! I was laughing hysterically inside. She came in & asked me what I was laughing at..."Mom, you told me to praise him, so that's what I did!! That's how people praise Jesus!!"   Too precious not to write down!! I love the love & care she shows to not only her pup, but all of the people that are in her life!! This girl knows how to love large!!!


  1. And THAT is why He said the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. So pure of heart, and oh so sweet!

  2. I love your ideas. I wish we could leave something for our little guy, but we can't. :(

  3. Hey Kristen,

    I'd like to help you sell more puzzle pieces. Could you contact me at


    Matthew Lee
