Saturday, October 16, 2010

the ick:(

So, I'm sure you have all been wondering about our ick in the past week....WARNING: if you get queezy easily you might not want to read...just a warning.... So, I guess I'll give you a bit of history...About two days after picking Ageze & Tesfa  in ET, Kasey experienced something he definitely didn't want to see again....YES...the dreaded parasites we had heard were possible....& I have to admit, I felt quite smug sitting at our guest house with Tesfa, eating an afternoon snack..thankfully not knowing what Kasey was enduring This is a man who can't even stand looking at boogers!! Ha!! Anyhow, we asked Sister Almaz at the C.C if she had anything we could give to our little guy, and she said he had been medicated the previous friday...that was just 3 days prior.. So, upon returning home to the U.S, the boys saw our pediatrician, one testing positive & the other negative...we decide to medicate both, just in case...Well, 2 1/2 months have gone by..thinking that we were in the clear...WRONG. So, im gonna get never know, you might need this info...One of our little guys have, or had pinworms & roundworms...pinworms come out at night..never knew this till I researched it..but they basically lay eggs on your rump, the child then itches, gets under fingernails, they put hands in their mouth, and the cycle continues...I know..GROSS..but as their parents.. we toughen up, deal with it, clean like a crazy lady, get them on meds, clean again & again etc....Roundworms...not quite sure about their egg-laying process...2 words...LONGGGGGG & ROUND! There you have it....They are almost off their meds...and don't you worry..the only way you can get them, well, you would have to come in contact with their poo, and ingest it...ick!! So, you should all be in the clear...& now I have one tough, manly, not grossed out by boogers anymore kind of a husband!!!! Anyhow, I really don't say all of this to scare, or completely gross you out...& in fact I'm learning that alot of people have them & just don't know it....ick!! Also, as icky as this also has brought up emotional ick for our little guys...In the last few weeks of all of this going on, I have heard over & over..."No Ethiopia, Momma!" Ageze & Tesfa America!" After they use the b-room, they insist they are staying here in America, and say.."Momma love Tesfa & Ageze??" And follow it up with.."America LOVES Tesfa & Ageze!" Talk about emotional scars....How I wish I could take their pain away...& yes...America loves you Ageze & Tesfa!! You are both loved sooooo very much!!! xo momma


  1. Good heavens, their cuteness is unbearable!:)

    Thanks for being honest... it's good info and well.... I've read worse. :)

  2. Umm, ya, we learned the hard way that you really need 2 doses within a couple of weeks to get rid of the "ick".

    Funny, K'Tyo had a "No, Ethiopia!" phase, too. He would hear someone in another room say something about Ethiopia & quickly interject with "No, Ethiopia!!" He seems to be out of it more now b/c we talk about it openly. You just wonder what all goes through their minds.
