As I was looking through the pictures (again!) from Kasey's trip back to ET to pick up our girl, these were a few that I just loved, that I felt like sharing!! I absolutely love the picture he took of the verse....Job 8:7 "And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great." This was hanging up at Jemo, in the chapel, i think:) Jemo is a community right outside of Addis, that our church will be sponsoring through Children's Hopechest. He and Ariyat spent a wonderful morning with the children and community there. Kasey played soccer with a bunch of the boys & Ariyat even had the chance to stand up on the stage in the chapel to sing with the children. She loves looking back at that video & vividly remembers the to my ears:) Many times throughout our day, I will find Ariyat singing in her most precious little voice, song after song in Amharic. She has been trying to teach us the songs she knows along with the dance moves....she kindly instructs us to shake our shoulders & our hands should be on our hips:) Not quite sure we can keep up with her, she has quite the rhythm!!
It definitely sounds like visiting Jemo was one of many highlights of the trip!!! We so look forward to going back and spending time with the precious community there!!

Hope and anticipation for what their futures hold:)
side streets of Addis.
Our precious friend & driver, Biniam:)