Wednesday, November 4, 2009

stepping out....of my comfort zone...

aaaah... this makes me really uncomfortable, but here it goes! you see, this whole adoption journey we are on, is quite expensive, about $19-$20,000 roughly, (gasp) i know take a minute for a breather... that total does not need to be met at one time, but in increments. at this time, we have currently paid $5,000 towards our let me make this clear, we are trying to save $ each mth for this, fundraise what we can, and trust in god that it will happen according to HIS plan. now, you say, "how can i help?" well we are selling ethiopian coffee, our cool t's for children,men,women, and are working on a few more upcoming fundraisers! On the right hand side,you'll see our shirts, and we'll shortly be adding our coffee!! You can also make a donation directly to our agency, IAN, or simply click the donate button and that will go towards bringing our kids home as well. Making this kind of donation will not only be helpful in giving these children a forever family, but it will make your heart smile, knowing that you helped. We are hopeful in raising approx. $4,800 for our upcoming fees, and thank you in advance for helping our family help those in and be loved  xo kristen

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