Thursday, January 5, 2012

laundry low-down...


With a growing family, I'm always on the look-out for ways we can save ourselves money, so I thought this was a win-win situation!! I love natural & organic, we are saving $$ and it's much better for our Health(skin) & well being too!!

 So, we have been using our homemade laundry soap for about a month now & loving it!! Here is a list of the products you will need & how-to's!!

20 Mule Team Natural Laundry Booster, Borax, 76 oz 


ARM & HAMMER® Super Washing Soda®



Total weight 4.0 lbs

Fels-Naptha Heavy Duty Laundry Bar $2.49

 Ok, so beyond the above 3 will need a 5 gallon bucket with lid, gallon milk jugs or something similar in size. I've also loved using the gallon size "ice mountain" jugs you can get at Target. The other 3 products for the soap you can purchase at Walmart!

  Step 1: grate Fels Naptha Bar into kettle with 4 cups water...boil on medium until the soap bar has dissolved.

Step 2: After step 1 is complete..add the soap mixture from kettle into the 5 gallon bucket...which should be filled half way with water! Mix it around a bit with a yard stick:)

Step 3: Add 1/2 cup of the borax & 1 cup of the Arm & Hammer super washing soda to the 5 gallon bucket. Mix thoroughly, cover & let sit overnight.

Step 4: Remove lid from bucket, you will notice the mixture is quite thick...mix again with will still be kind of lumpy!

Step 5: Fill your gallon jugs half full with water & put your funnel in the jug, now you  are ready to scoop & pour the soap mixture into your gallon jug. Once you have filled your gallon jugs, tighten the cap, shake & that's it!!!

  If you have any essential oils at home, you can try that too....I have added about 10 drops of lavender, lemon or peppermint to some of mine & they smell really good!!   

                            Happy laundry soap making!!!!!  


  1. thanks kristen, can't wait to try it-my mom was just telling me the other day your mom makes her own soap-so glad you posted it!

  2. sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the directions.

  3. Thanks so much for posting this!!! I've been wanting to try making my own detergent! How many gallon jugs will it fill?

  4. Does it clean really well? I seem to have dirty little monsters that the "cheap" soup wont get it clean so I use Tide.

  5. Melissa, it really does!!! Give it a try!

  6. So inspired by you! I have been thinking about giving it a try and you may have convinced me! Thanks for posting!

  7. in case anyone else was wondering the laundry soap recipe Kristen posted makes about 6 gallons of soap (that includes the water that you add to each bottle you fill) i figured out you get about 384 (1/4cup) loads out of that, comes to 2.6 cents per load for your initial costs, however the supplies can make more batches so your costs would be considerably less after the initial $10 investment-makin...g ...this deal even better-traditionally store bought soaps-range anywhere from roughly .20-.35/per load, making this a "Favorite Find" in my book! I still pre-treat my stains and sometimes add extra Borax aka laundry booster for my really dirty kids' clothes. Thanks so much Kristen for sharing your recipe :))))
